ebIX® documents for download - last update: 19 December 2023


- Introduction to ebIX Model documents and BRSs -

Actual version: An introduction to and overview of ebIX BRSs
Introduction to ebIX Models 1r0C
Actual developments: none 

- List of often used abbreviation in ebIX® documents - 

Actual version: ebIX abbreviations v2r0A


Business Requirements Specifications for Structure

BIM available

All Structure BRSs in MS Word format




Business Requirements Specifications for Measure


All Measure BRSs in MS Word format



Business Requirements Specifications for Distributed Flexibility


All Flex BRSs in MS Word format


Business Requirements Specifications for Settlement and reconciliation


Business Information Models for Structure


Business Information Models for Measure


Business Information Models for Settlement and reconciliation


Proposal for mapping from BRSs to CIM


- ebIX Domain model -  

Latest version:

ebIX Domain model - v4r0B

- ebIX UML Model for the European Energy Market -  

Latest version:

Enterprise Architect version: EEM 2023A (EA).zip

MagicDraw (MD) version: EEM 2023A (MD).zip

MagicDraw Reader In case you have no UML modelling tool available, you may through the following link obtain a version of the Reader for UML models as provided by MagicDraw: http://www.magicdraw.com/download/reader

- ebIX Methodology, rules for using UMM2 -

Actual version: ebIX Rules for the use of UMM2 version 1.1
Actual developments: none

- Rules for the use of OCL statements -

Actual version: ebIX Rules for the use of OCL statements version 1.0
Actual developments: none

- ebIX Common rules and recommendations for use of EDIFACT - 

Actual version: ebIX common rules and recommendaions for use of EDIFACT v1r3C 
Actual developments: none

- ebIX Business Requirements for Acknowledgments

Actual version: ebIX Business Requirements for Acknowledgments version 2.0A (April 2014)
Actual developments: none

- BRS for cancellation of business documents -

Actual version: ebIX BRS for cancellation of business documents v2r0C
Actual developments:  

- ebIX recommendation for identification schemes - 

Actual version: ebIX Identification schemes v1r2A 
Actual developments:   

- ebIX code list -

Actual version:

ebIX code list v1r4A 20231123

- ebIX standard presentation -

Actual version:

ebIX standard presentation November 2016

ebIX technical presentation December 2018

- ebIX® Rules for maintenance of ebIX documents 2r1 -

Actual version:

ebIX Rules for maintenance of ebIX documents 2r1