ebIX Forum

The ebIX Forum is the presiding body of ebIX. The ebIX forum is the decision taking meeting in which products, project plans and budgets are approved.

All ebIX members and observers are represented in the Forum. Decisions are made based on consensus, however in voting all member countries have an equal vote. All member countries pay an annual fee to enable the ebIX organisation and work.

The Forum meets every half year.

The chairperson of the Forum is the formal representative of ebIX.

Articles of the ebIX organisation 

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Liaison agreements

MoU between CEDEC and ebIX

MoU between Eurelectric and ebIX

MoU between ENTSO-E and ebIX

Letter; ebIX as a category “D” liaison organization with IEC/TC57