About ebIX®

ebIX® is (Note: ebIX® will close down by the end of 2023) a European platform in which TSO’s, DSO’s, suppliers and regulators work together.

The purpose of ebIX®, the European forum for energy Business Information eXchange, is to advance, develop and standardise the use of electronic information exchange in the energy industry. Therefore, ebIX® provides standardised and harmonised processes for the liberalised downstream electricity and gas markets with the focus on information exchange, following EU rules and allowing national customisation.

The ebIX® models are based on the Harmonised Role Model. The main focus of the ebIX® modelling is on interchanging administrative data between different players on the internal European markets for electricity and gas. ebIX® covers the needs for the retail market (downstream) and the interface to the wholesale market (upstream).

The modelling process ebIX® uses includes setting up Business Requirement Specifications (BRS’s) for the different intercompany market processes and associated information exchange, especially between the regulated and the liberalised market players. This work is mainly done by the ebIX® Business Group (EBG), involving representatives from all participating countries to ensure business needs based on best of breed and experiences. Occasionally project groups may be formed to perform a special task.

Based on the business needs the ebIX Technical Committee (ETC) develops Business Information Models (BIM’s). The resulting information exchange can be generated into xml schemas. The modelling is based on open, international standards as from UN/CEFACT, OMG and IEC.

ebIX® will follow the rules of the European Union where applicable. ebIX® models are tuned for customization when implemented in a national market.


ebIX provides standardised and harmonised processes for the liberalised downstream electricity and gas markets with the focus on information exchange, following EU rules and allowing national customisation.

ebIX® mission

ebIX offers

  • Implementable process models, including definition of information exchanged, based on best practices and lessons learned in member countries, based on open international standards
  • A forum for knowledge sharing between member countries

ebIX® goals

  1. Model a complete set of downstream processes, based on experience and best practices;
  2. Evaluate new developments and integrate these to the ebIX business requirements when applicable;
  3. Encourage the regulators to recognise and recommend the ebIX models;
  4. Promote the lessons learned and the ebIX deliverables;
  5. Extend the ebIX membership base.

ebIX® organisation chart

chart oganisation

Articles of the ebIX® organisation